
DiO, leader in connected home

In 1977, Roland Chacon founded the company with the same name, specialized in the design and distribution of electrical products.

Following the acquisition in 1994 by the two current shareholders, Chacon broadens the mission of the company by engaging in home automation oriented towards comfort and security for a smarter home.

In 2003, Chacon launches its export department. The first target markets are France, Spain and Portugal.

A company that innovates to stay ahead in the market!

In 2008, the brand DiO ecosystem of inter-compatible products, was founded and sets the tone for the automation activity developed by Chacon. With a complete ecosystem of transmitters and receivers for a connected home, DiO range can remotely control the lighting and engines, without running wires.

In 2013, DiO expands its offer with new universal dimmers, compatible with different types of bulbs on the market; again, a real boost is given to the brand through partnership with the Belgian start-up Smart Technology, which specializes in home automation and wireless technology.

In 2015, the two brands - DiO and Chacon - decided to take a different position:

  • Under his label "Connected Home" DiO completes his ecosystem with a new range of more efficient products through its home automation Central HomeBox, its mobile application DiO and accessories operating under the radio protocol edisio, specially designed for the connected home.
  • For its part, Chacon is moving more towards Smart Home Devices' innovative and intelligent products for the home to increase the consumers comfort on a daily bases  and autonomous connected devices for easy access to the universe of the connected home.

A company specialized and engaged with its clients-partners!

Retail, DIY wholesalers and internet are the main portfolio DiO currently divided between Belgium, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Portugal, etc..
